a blogger baby shower.

At the end of October, two of my dearest friends -- Kate {of DomestiKatedLife} and Lindsay {of Lindsay Jean Design + Duchess} -- threw baby {v} and me the shower to end all showers. From the moment I walked in the door, I was overwhelmed with their thoughtfulness and creativity. I knew these two would throw an amazing shower, but I had no clue just how incredible it would be. They truly outdid themselves on this one. 

You can see a few of my favorite details from the shower below, but you can see even more from the hostesses themselves. Take a peek at this post from Lindsay and this post from Kate for more photos and the sources of the goodies they used!

my favorite funfetti cupcakes with EDIBLE gold star sprinkles! 

a cheese plate found in every pregnant woman's dreams: completely pasteurized + delightful! 

mint chocolate anything is my weakness // a donut tasting bar?! I can't make this stuff up...

pretty drinks for the pregnant + non-pregnant crowd on the most colorful bar cart around.

When I started this blog four years ago, I never envisioned that two friends I made from blogging would throw me a baby shower of such beautiful proportions. Fast forward to today: I truly see the internet as the vessel to meet the people who were supposed to be in my life from the get-go. Many of the ladies who attended {and sent gifts from near and far} also happen to be sweet friends made courtesy of the world wide web. To everyone who came or sent their love, you sure know how to make a girl -- and baby {v} -- feel loved! You all nailed it with your gorgeous gifts. Baby {v} will be one well-outfitted and cuddly little one ;) I may sound like a broken record, but I mean it: thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kate and Lindsay! xoxo {av}


  1. yay! love the pics you got :)

  2. LOVE your hair and oh my goodness how nice of them to do this for you :)

  3. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! You have such amazing blogger friends. Also, you look so adorable!

    xo, Alicia

  4. soo adorable!! im sad i couldnt make it! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. You look adorable and everything else looks so good, especially those cupcakes, love those gold stars!

  6. A lovely day for a lovely mama-to-be! Everything was perfect, just like you :)

  7. it was such a great afternoon celebrating you and baby v! and those two dolls outdid themselves on every single detail

  8. Wow you would think I am the pregnant one because I legitimately just teared up reading this post. Love you + baby {v} so darn much!!!

  9. this doesn't even look like a "real person" shower... it's too beautiful and perfect! but i guess you wouldn't expect any less from two blogger. ;) seriously though, this looks great. and a donut tasting bar is pure gold.

  10. this is the sweetest post! we had a ball throwing this for you (two)! love you. countdown is on until we get to hold that little baby v!!

  11. love the tasting bar and the BABY balloons!!!

  12. Really awesome article you have share. I have also a blog called shower head reviews . you are welcome to visit this.

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    Penyakit Ambeien ini layaknya sebuah pohon, walau pun pohon tersebut berkali – kali di tebang akan tetapi akan tumbuh kembali, kecuali jika akarnya anda cabut, begitu pun juga dengan penyakit ambeien, bila tidak di obati atau di keluarkan akarnya, maka ambeien akan tumbuh kembali. Jual Obat Ambeien yang Manjur untuk solusi dari penyakit ambeien yang anda derita silahkan kunjungi blog kami
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