Years ago, {cv} and I decided we wouldn't be finding out baby {v}'s gender. For all the things I get to experience in pregnancy, I am itching for the delivery day when {cv} can be the first to know whether we have a he or a she. It will be a life-changing, unforgettable moment -- and I can't wait to share it with {cv}. Trust me: I don't fault anyone for having a big gender reveal party; we are just waiting until December for ours.
As most of my friends and family can attest, sacrificing my ability to plan ahead for this child is a feat for me. It is one surprise, however, that I know will be worth the wait. I even practiced with surprises this summer. Letting {cv} plan our surprise babymoon was a step in the right direction for me: I normally like to be involved in every detail. Though there were moments I felt like caving and finding out, {cv} remained steadfast -- and kept me on the straight and narrow ;) We just had an ultrasound at 28 weeks and stayed strong, so we are really in it for the long haul. The first week of December can't come soon enough!
Friends and family have expressed their excitement -- and frustration -- in our decision to wait on the gender. While they all support us, many say it makes buying things for baby {v} much more difficult. There is one major auxiliary benefit {for me} in not finding out the gender: we prevent the inevitable pink explosion if the baby is a little lady. I know I could be one of the few pink haters on the planet, but cut me a break here! While I love a pop of color here and there, most of baby {v}'s wardrobe is gray and white. I'll admit: I have a serious love of neutrals across baby clothing and home decor. One other bonus of not finding out gender is that future baby {v}'s could be easily outfitted without buying a whole new wardrobe.
The point of this post is to prove gender neutral options do exist -- for all budgets and price points. {I know many have shared that shoes are unnecessary for teeny babes, but they were just too cute not to include.} Cute gender neutral outfits do exist, but it takes a little extra effort to find them. I just keep my eyes peeled at all times! If you're not finding out the gender, I hope this post helps you see that adorable things do exist for your bundle of joy. If you know someone who isn't finding out the gender, this post is exactly what you need to rock on the gift-giving front. {All you need to do is pin this post for future reference!} Mamas + mamas-to-be: did you find out gender -- or did you wait? xoxo {av}
P.S. I have also been loving deal sites like Gilt for higher end pieces at more reasonable prices -- I just couldn't put them in this round-up because their inventory changes so frequently.
CLOTHING: Gerber Newborn Organic Sleep N' Play + Hat Set {$8.99} || Gap City Graphic Bodysuit - Paris {$12.95 + 35% off} || Old Navy Sleeping Gown 2-Pack {$13.00} || Gap Favorite Terry Stripe Pants {$19.95 + 35% off} || J.Crew Baby One-Piece in Kisses {$22.50 + 25% off!} || Gap Western Denim Shirt {$24.95 + 35% off} || Ralph Lauren Baby Coverall {$27.50} || Baby Oeuf Long-Sleeve Bunny Tee {$28.00 + 25% off} || J.Crew Baby Footsie Coverall in Stripe {$29.50 + 25% off} || J.Crew Baby Cotton Sweatpants {$34.50 + 25% off} || Gap Love Sweater One-Piece {$36.95 + 35% off} || Nordstrom Baby Knit Sweater + Pants {$48.00 + 33% off} || Nordstrom Baby Bodysuits 6-Pack {$48.00} || Burt's Bees Newborn 10-Piece Layette Set {$49.95}
HOODIES + OUTERWEAR: Burt's Bees Baby Newborn Long-Sleeve Hoodie {$19.95} || Stem Baby Organic Cotton Hoodie {$38.00} || Gap Warmest Puffer Snowsuit {$78.00 + 35% off} || Ralph Lauren Baby Quilted Jacket {$99.50}
SHOES: J.Crew Baby Booties in Stripe {$16.50 + 25% off} || Nature Baby for J.Crew Booties {$16.95} || Minnetonka Baby Fringe Booties {$19.95} || Minnetonka Baby Tied Shearling Booties {$33.95} || UGG Australia Erin Booties {$49.95} || TOMS Nepal Tiny Suede Boots {$58.95} || Freshly Picked Metallic Mocassins {$60.00}

might i also suggest collected tees from around the world travels, concerts, festivals, restaurants, etc. - which would make for a great option for your friends/family who are desperate to know the gender before buying gifts for baby. a lot of them have really cute (and gender-neutral!) designs for children (even when baby sizes aren't available, toddler sizes often are, and you'll have use for those eventually). plus, once they're outgrown, you can have them made into a quilt, so they can be appreciated for years to come. just an idea from an avid tee collector. :)
ReplyDeleteadorable picks! you are going to have one stylish bebe ;) xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteProps to you for being able to wait. We found out the gender of our baby... neither of us wanted to wait. I had a friend who hounded us for clues until we revealed the gender. The funny thing is she didn't find out the gender of her babies, but she said it drives her crazy to find out what all her friends are having. Ha!
ReplyDeleteYou'll be in for such an awesome surprise... the best kind!
Thank you for this brilliant list! It's very timely for me as sister-in-law is pregnant and due around Christmas. They have decided to be completely surprised when it comes to gender which is going to be so exciting.
ReplyDeleteI've always said I want to reveal the gender after my babyshower, or wait until birth. Too many times I've see pink or blue gift explosions at babyshowers. I think taking the gender out of it allows people to concentrate on more meaningful (and useful) gifts. That might sound super selfish of me, but knowing my family there will be at least two showers, and I'd really like avoid getting gender-specific gifts.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin is starting to try to have a baby with her husband and she's been pre-buying all gender netural things. At first I thought she was crazy, not even being pregnant yet, but as I was shopping in Babies R Us for another friend's baby shower, I saw some cute sale/clearance items for her and I couldn't resist.
Oh no... baby clothes are my weakness right now! I love all your picks! I've definitely been sticking to greys whites and blues for Camden but feel I would do the same with a girl. I just always pick those colors for everything!
ReplyDeletenot finding out the gender was one of the best experiences of my life. throughout my pregnancy, everyone said "boy". my mom was convinced. so on delivery day, when the doctor's said "it's a girl!", i was so surprised and over the moon! and trust me - you get plenty of clothes after the baby's born :)
Awww this is so fun! I just love baby clothes. I have a terrible time with surprises (so hard to not know!) but I'll admit that you're making me think twice, when the time comes. :)
ReplyDeleteAlways, Anita
So excited for you and CV!
ReplyDeleteJust throwing this out there: Hanna Andersson has great gender-neutral baby pieces. It's all supersoft organic cotton, really well made and the new holiday pieces (I got a sneak peek yesterday) are soooo cute and modern. Everything's exceptionally durable too.
I can't wait for Baby V to make his or her arrival!
thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeletelevtem endĂ¼striyel temizlik
When I fall pregnant I definitely don't to learn baby's gender before birth. And of course there are so many gender neutral baby pieces! When I was a baby I wore mostly grey and blues and I always joke that my mum was "frugal" and didn't by many pinks so as to pass down the clothes to the my sibling in case it was a boy. I have a brother. He wore most of my stuff!!
ReplyDeletewe found out the gender and i am so happy we did, but now i find myself trying to buy mostly gender neutral outfits - just in case for the future. plus i am not a fan of all the trucks // puppies // superheroes they douse little boys in. subtle and understated, even for babies!
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