I have written this post about forty times in my head. Ok, scratch that...a million. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice I have been posting less. While many of you probably assumed I lost my blogging mojo, this is far from the case. For the last three months, I have spent every free second sleeping... because I'm pregnant! {cv} and I cannot wait to meet the newest {v} the first week of December! I thought it was only appropriate to share this big news today -- on my golden birthday! I never thought I'd be this happy turning 29, but it truly looks like it will be the best year yet.
Becoming a mother will be one of the most rewarding, challenging, and amazing experiences of my life. While I don't intend to become a full-fledged mommy blogger, I do intend to share pieces of my pregnancy journey with all of you. It means the world to have my readers alongside me in this new phase of my life. Though there won't be weekly updates, I do promise little snippets about baby {v}'s progress along the way. I made it through the first trimester with minimal morning sickness, so we will call that our biggest victory so far.
Even in the midst of this overwhelming happiness, it doesn't feel right to gloss over one portion of this journey. When I took a blogging break last fall, I was actually taking time to grieve the loss of a pregnancy. My 'first' due date is only days away. I knew these weeks would be difficult to process, but the timing of everything isn't happenstance. I am positively certain someone upstairs had a hand in all of this. He brought joy into our lives in what could otherwise be a season of sadness. One day, I'll share more about our loss last fall. For today, we are holding close to the joys in our lives and not dwelling on the sadness.
Even in the midst of this overwhelming happiness, it doesn't feel right to gloss over one portion of this journey. When I took a blogging break last fall, I was actually taking time to grieve the loss of a pregnancy. My 'first' due date is only days away. I knew these weeks would be difficult to process, but the timing of everything isn't happenstance. I am positively certain someone upstairs had a hand in all of this. He brought joy into our lives in what could otherwise be a season of sadness. One day, I'll share more about our loss last fall. For today, we are holding close to the joys in our lives and not dwelling on the sadness.
Sharing this news with you is so refreshing--and I'm so happy we're at the point where I can finally do so. We still have many months to go, but this is a big step in the right direction. With the baby and the new house, our cup truly runneth over. Many thanks in advance for all of your love and support! xoxo {av}
P.S. I will share a few tips on writing with sparklers in an upcoming post. I did a lot of research to make it happen, but it came together :)