you are never too old.

C.S. Lewis nailed it with this quote, eh? The ending may sound a bit like Les Mis (which is never a bad thing), but I believe it wholeheartedly. When someone asked how old I was last week, I couldn't remember. It took me ten seconds to remind myself I was 28. I don't know when that happened really. The good news? 28 is just a number and I still have plenty of life ahead of me. (Leave it to Buzzfeed to nail it with this list about your late 20s.) 

Here's the thing: my dreams at 28 are infinitely more exciting than the ones I dreamed at 18. The difference? I didn't know what my life would look like at 18, but I have a pretty (happy) idea of what my future looks like. Today's post may be short and sweet, but my hope is that you'll pin this quote and remember it when you need it most. Dream that new dream, folks. You've got this. xoxo {av}

P.S. Are there any other quotes you'd like me to bring to life? Share them with me here or comment below!


  1. Pinned it! Love this. It's especially encouraging for me since I've reached 30 and am dreaming new dreams :)

  2. So perfect and so true. You're never too old to start something new!

  3. thank you for this reminder! i just turned 30 and even though i wasn't ready for it, i think this is a great reminder that i have so much ahead. my younger self never would have thought what i can do today was possible. xo

  4. I needed this today. Thank you!!

  5. Perfect quote - it's so true! If anything, we have more opportunities to make our dreams happen when we're older!

    P.S. I've been OBSESSING over Buzz Feed the point of not being healthy.

    xo, B

  6. I love this! My birthday is at the end of next month, and this is such a great reminder, especially to start a new year. Thanks girl!

  7. such an adorable blog, great work

    keep in touch,

  8. I love this. I was just talking last night about how dreams change as we get older. If we don't change our dreams, then we will reach them and then what? I really love this quote and find it really easy to relate to my life these days. Happy almost weekend.
