Let me start by saying that I had bold plans for my Sunday. With football season in full swing and a windy day in the forecast, {cv} and I planned to hunker down and enjoy the day at home. I woke up at 7:21am to my phone buzzing on my side table to discover the power had flickered. No biggie, I thought, until I heard a strange whistling noise from downstairs.

The cats discovered the source of the whistling before I did: the plug for our modem/router. In other words, it signaled the end of my productive Sunday. It ruined my skype date I had later that morning. Two fruitless hours on the phone with tech support and countless other inconveniences aside, {cv} and I are without internet at home until late Tuesday.
As I write this post in a crowded Panera, it realized something I should thought about at 7:22 on Sunday morning: maybe I just really need to catch my breath. I don't need to spend the entirety of my Sunday prepping for the week ahead. Maybe I need to lay low, watch football, and eat some chili with {cv}, even if my to-do list is growing by the minute. Why? Because it always gets done anyway.
The lesson I will take away from this goofy fiasco? I need to slow down. And be ok with it. Really.

P.S. I know having the internet is a luxury in and of itself, so I don't mean for anyone to think I'm taking that for granted. I was just surprised at what a wake-up call this incident gave me!
I need to do this too! I went without internet this weekend (and it was quite nice!). Slowing down is just necessary every once and awhile! I'm glad you're doing it now too!
ReplyDeleteI agree- I'm always go go go... especially with my blog. Always thinking of posts, writing drafts and thinking I have to post. I need to catch my breath, too!!! Thanks for reminding me of this.
oh no! you didn't miss much on the Pats front :( I can totally relate though, the feeling of disconnect when the computer is out of service, or the cell phone is lost is crazy, I suppose that's the way it goes these days though! Hope you have a great day :)
ReplyDeletexoxo andrea
Sometimes the best thing in the world for our peace of mind is for the modem to crash or to see "No Service" by 0 bars on our phones. Even though it's an involuntary break, it's a break and it's usually well needed! Hope you enjoyed yours! KC
ReplyDeleteAmen girl. Sometimes we just need to take a break. I try to, but I really think it would take my Internet going out to really take a break!
ReplyDeleteyes! i totally feel you! we're in this weird age where we're so connected all the time, it's nice to just enjoy being unplugged every now and then. sometimes i purposely forget my phone at home so i can savor real life moments instead of check my email every five minutes!
ReplyDeleteI love the lessons we learn from chaos!
Enjoy your little break...and your time at Panera! I've been sitting on the couch for half the day trying to figure out what exactly I am supposed to be doing today. It's 1:30 and I still have yet to figure it out!! GAH! Maybe this was my time to catch my breath...then at least I can chalk it up to being productive?!? lol.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great reminder!! I forget that way too much and usually stress and worry about the "to-do" list even thou, like you said, it gets done eventually!! Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't it amazing that it really does always get done?! Sometimes I wonder how it happens. When I know I have a lot on my I figure out the next time I won't have a lot, and I just close my eyes and coast to that day. It doesn't happen now that I finished grad school, but it still happens. I'm sorry that you had this unplanned inconvenience. Being without internet makes me feel like I live in the 19th century.
ReplyDeleteI understand your frustrated. I feel the same when my Internet goes down. For me if I know when its going to be fixed its easy to give it up and move on to actually doing other things more important. It is a luxury that we should be grateful for every day as it gives us such amazing doors to open in life. However we are to attached!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this reminder -- I need that this week! :-)