the tub debate.

Once again, I'm here to ask your opinion for a very important room in our future home: the master bath! We're now in the final design stages before our build begins next spring. One thing I simply cannot decide upon is what to do about the bathtub. {cv} and I aren't jacuzzi people, so we're opting for a more traditional tub.

top row: left + middle + rightmiddle row: left + rightbottom row: left + middle + right

While I know the clawfoot tub has reemerged in the last few years, I want to know that when we go to sell that it won't date our home. The clawfoot does feels classic to me--so does that matter? I do like the enclosed look because I can picture cold winter evenings tucked cozily in the tub. Decisions! Decisions! 
I can't wait to hear what side of the fence you're on in this debate :)


  1. I LOVE the look of the stand alone tub but I also think it would be a pain to clean with all those nooks and crannies. The enclosed bathtubs you show look very nice as well (plus there is a spot to place a towel, book, a glass of wine - whatever!)

  2. I love stand alone tubs! They are so nice.

  3. I love tubs that are tucked in a little space!! (I don't like things out in the middle of a room, but that's just me) The tubs in middle left row and bottom right row are perfect!!!!!


  4. We have a tucked away bathtub which doubles as our shower. Will you have a shower over it or will the shower be separate. Also look into how much it will cost to install (is a tucked away cheaper because it's closer to the wall or will the stand alone be cheaper to maintain because it hasn't got any units around it?

    1. ooo! I'll have to check with the builder! good thought...

    2. If it is a shower and tub all in one than I would suggest a built in tub with a tiled apron front and Fleurco tub shield glass door (instead of a shower curtain).

      For just a tub only, keep in mind that a built in tub can actually end up costing more because you have to frame the tub surround, labor for the tub surround, tile/slab the deck, etc.

      No matter if it's a built in or freestanding, you will need a tub fill. Freestanding tub fills typically cost more because there is more product to finish.

  5. How about a stand alone tub tucked away? Everyone wins! You're sort of having some #whitegirlproblems with this, huh? ;)

    1. definitely a funny debate ;) I just want to love it forever!

  6. we just moved into an apartment with a clawfoot tub and it really is heaven! we have the added benefit of great water pressure and a good shower head, so it really feels like the perfect marriage of functionality with a classic, vintage look. we also have two "stuff" holders (one on the side of the tub and one hanging from the faucet) that are very understated and hold all of our soap/shampoo with ease!

  7. I say go for the tucked away tub! There is some appeal to having one out in the open, but I think the coziness wins out.

  8. I love the tub in the middle row on the far left! It's tucked away and cozy, but looks like a more modern version of the classic clawfoot tub. I don't think it would date your home at all!

  9. Tuck it away! If nothing else, it'll be easier to clean since you won't have to clean under or behind it!

  10. jeeze, i'd be happy with any of these tubs!! i don't have a preference, as long as it's relaxing and beautiful!

  11. I thought I was a more "Out in the open" type of tubber, but looking at the tucked away options reminds me that you have a spot to put your bathsalts, candles and bubble bath jars.

  12. if you have a tucked away one, you'll have somewhere to rest your glass of wine :) xx

  13. I love the look of the tub in the second row, far right. Looks very cozy and relaxing.

  14. When we just built our house, I really wanted a claw foot tub....but after a lot of reaserach, we discovered it's a fad that comes every decade or so. Assuming you'll live there longer than 10 years, you may be safer to do the tucked away. :)

    On that note, I made a compromise and have a separate tub and shower. It makes the tub feel just a bit more... romantic(?), special(?).


  15. BOTTOM RIGHT!! I agree with Chapstick Fanatic's comments about it being harder to clean the standalone tubs and you needing a spot for your wine!

  16. how exciting! i really like the first picture in the middle row.. tucked away but not built in. that little nook looks so cozy & calling for a good book & a glass of wine ;) whatever you choose I'm sure will be beautiful! xo

  17. I sort of love both looks. The look of the stand alone tub is just gorgeous, but the tucked away tub definitely has a place to put any of your "stuff" you will need/use during your bath. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Can't wait to see what you choose.

  18. I like the tucked away because it looks so clean and fresh, plus has the nice corners to put all of your "stuff!" in! I wouldn't know where to put it if I had a stand alone!

  19. I love the middle left image! Its free standing but semi-tucked away in the cut out under the window. I'd say those types of tubs are classic styles and will never be "out dated".

  20. a deep tub tucked away in a cozy little nook with warm sunlight pouring through the window is the epitome of relaxation to me. plus, with the tucked away tub, you have space for wine or a book (or lots of different bubble bath options!).

    sidenote, though - i once decided to rent an apartment in Chicago because it had a claw foot tub.

  21. Tough question! While I love both looks, I think it's more practical to have it "tucked away" so you can accessorize the space easier without having to buy extra little tables and such for storage. I don't think you'd date the house, either way, though! I'm so excited for you guys!!

  22. Aw man what a decision....I would go for the tucked away. I really like the claw-foot out in the open, but I imagine you would have more (counter?) space with it tucked away. Personally, I just want a tub I fit in...all the way not knees up or torso up, but every part of me submerged :) Good luck!!

  23. I guess I would go for the tucked away one. I love the designs on the right in the middle and bottom row, they both look amazing!

  24. I've always loved standalone tubs. I agree with others that they might not be as practical to clean, but I just think they give the bathroom an instant charm!


  25. In my dream home, I would leave it out in the open. There is just a classic feel about it that I find so luxurious and charming.

  26. Stand alone tubs are sooo charming, but like everyone will be hard to clean =/ Something like the top left may not be as bad though. Knowing me, and my lack of motivation for cleaning, I'd probably get a tucked away tub.

  27. i'd be awful at a stand up tub, i splash too much when taking baths. both are beautiful. how exciting!

  28. I'd say tucked away, even though I love stand up tubs, I agree with Lauren's comment that I splash too much haha

  29. I adore the stand-alones but I have a more modern design aesthetic so I'd love for the tucked away with the marble... gorgeous!!

  30. Out in the open. So glam and classic and reminds me of romance and old movies. That's the dreamer in me talking. The practical me says tuck it away.

  31. I would tuck it away! I just think a standalone would be kind of awkward!

  32. Freestanding tub for sure. check out Victoria & Albert, Zuma, Americh and Wet Style tubs....they're great!


  33. i love the stand alone tub but im clumsy and i feel like i would hurt myself getting out of there lol

  34. Definitely out in the open! So much more aesthetically pleasing. Plus that mirrored tub is fabulous!!! I want that one for my home!

    Have a great weekend!


  35. I think I would like it tucked away, just because of privacy. All of these bathrooms are so lovely though, I don't know where to start!

  36. I think Clawfoot is SO classic.
