all eyes on paris.

Since I started pinning last year, I've cataloged more than a few of my favorite things. One board which might throw people off is the one I devoted purely to the signs of the times. Why? I grew up the daughter of a self-taught signmaker, who instilled in me a love of all things neon. If you look at the family vacation photos from my childhood, you'll see me next to a cannon on a Civil War battlefield right next to a photo of a historic diner sign. With that back story in mind, my post for today features a recurring theme I noticed while roaming the streets of Paris last month...

Whether they were neon or not, these peepers popped up all over the City of Lights. My best guess? Parisians must love their eyewear. Then again, what don't the Parisians love which allows them to showcase their style?

Seeing the trend? Seriously, all eyes are on Paris. le sigh.

I have enough photos from our 40 hours in Paris to fill a week's worth of posts, but I'll pare it down. 
I promise to condense them a bit...but not too much, of course. Paris is the best, after all. 

These days, {cv} is now in on the sign gig and points them out on our travels. Down the line, I'm almost certain we'll have photo albums which look much like the ones from my childhood. I am not afraid to profess my love of signs. It's only ironic that my love of neon cross applies to my wardrobe this year ;)


  1. i love a good sign - especially when they are pretty. maybe you noticed this while you were living there or when you were visiting but in europe their signs are so practical. for instance, the ones above - you don't have to read to pretty much know where to find eyeglasses. i LOVED that, especially when i was traveling outside of france where i couldnt always speak the language.

  2. This is so cute! I just love signs too- my iPhone is filled with random signs from my travels that have cool logos & fonts :) Yay for solidarity! PS- how were we not following you on Pinterest?! For SHAME!

  3. This is so cool that these pop up all over Paris. And it's even more awesome that you picked up on it! They make for really interesting photos. So cool!

  4. i got a few photos of glasses too!!! ill have to send you a few pics :) xoxo

  5. How fun! I love the glasses! I'm dying to visit Paris, so I can't wait to see your photos! :)

  6. haha that's awesome! now i know where to get my next pair ;)

  7. I love the glasses! My boyfriend and I were just discussing Paris and I'm dying to go!

  8. those are beautiful photos! thanks for sharing!

  9. What a cute motif! I think neon signs are the best. :)

  10. oh my goodness these are so cute! what a great board. following you now :) yay!

  11. Oh goodness, how totally adorable are these photos! One more reason to absolutely love Paris even more :)
    CoverGirl + Converse

  12. Such a fun post Alison!! as nerdy as it is, the thing that pops up the most is jelly bellies. when we were kids and would go on a 9 hour drive to my grandmas- and if we were good in the car we'd get out at this tiny gas station halfway in between and get to pick out any flavor of jelly bellies we'd want. whenever i'm on a road trip it's hard to pass them up to this day. nostalgia :)

  13. aw, i loved this story and your trend hunting notice of the eyeglasses in paris, what a neat find!!

    I would say that i'm constantly reminded that my love of all things accessories comes from my late grammma. she had the most amazing collection of necklaces and bracelets and when I was little I used to raid her closet putting every single one on my tiny neck. i thing to this day, she's the reason why i love accessorizing!

  14. I cannot believe I never noticed signs like those in Paris before! Next time I go I'll be on the lookout. They're so cool :)
