
Remember WWJD? Well, today--it's WWWYC? {Which wedges would you choose?!} If you're keeping up with Operation Spending Freeze, today marks my 108th day without spending on clothes and shoes. With a couple of beachy jaunts on the horizon, {cv} and I budgeted for a few purchases to help prepare for these trips. I've decided one such purchase is a great pair of versatile summer wedges. Here are ten pairs which caught my eye, ranging in price from $70 to $200...

from most expensive to least expensive: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 789 - 10

Making a purchase during Operation Spending Freeze is one I clearly don't take lightly, which is exactly why I'm enlisting your help :) If you have any other suggestions, please please please leave them in a comment. I don't intend to go on any spending binges soon, but a few pieces {like a great new pair of wedges!} will go a long way to making me feel updated without splurging on a whole new wardrobe. Thank you for your input and support, sweet friends!

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day to register for Blogger Blitz Miami! If you're in Southern Florida, please join me on Saturday, April 28th at Yardbird :) I'd love to meet you!


  1. I loveee 1, 7, and 8. If I like a less expensive pair almost as much as a more expensive pair, I usually go for the cheaper one. I have expensive tastes, but a small budget!!

  2. I woud choose number 7 (Michael Kors). To me, they are the most versatile. They could be worn dressy or casual. I recently got a great pair of wedges at Stein Mart. They had a great selection and most were under $100.

  3. #7 or #9 definitely!! You can wear them with anything!

  4. no8!! and piperlime has a 20% off sale right now... just saying! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  5. I am loving 4, 6, 7, and 9. Any of those would be great choices and easily paired with any outfits!

  6. I personally love #8! Love the color and the way the leather is braided! Can be dressy or casual! It's a tough choice!

  7. This is extremely difficult to choose, so I can see why you enlisted some helpers :) I think I would go with 7 or 8 though! I love both of them!

  8. Love numbers 3 and 5! I hope you have a NYC blogger event sometime soon- I'd love to meet you and other bloggers. Sounds like so much fun!

    xx Olivia

  9. I would go with #7! The nude color is perfect and will go with anything :)

  10. wow it is really hard to choose. i would say #4 or #8.

    let us know which you choose!


  11. Of course I like #1 and #2 the best :) Good luck in your hunt for the perfect pair, av!

  12. Of course... I went right or #1 before realizing it was the most expensive! HA. I like #6 though too!!!

  13. I have #8... I've worn them with skirts, shorts, and jeans, and they're quite comfortable - which I think makes them extra versatile, because you can wear them around for a long time. Heel's not too high either. If I were going to pick another though I'd go for #6. So fun.

  14. I like #5 and #8....but, I would probably leave with #8...since it has the lower heel (making it more versatile for me and more comfortable!) and once you include it's cheaper, I'm sold!

  15. Ooh lala loving #4... and of course I click on the link and there $195.00. Why do I always go straight for the most expensive piece?! Grr! Love them all though, great picks, {av}

  16. Shopbop has 20% off right now, too! All of these options are great, but if I were you I'd be sure to pick one with a platform under the toe. Otherwise, they won't be comfortable and you'll be mad you spent the money. Hope that helps and enjoy the purchase!

  17. I guess it's lucky number 7 for me, love Michael Kors and the curvature of the straps. The light shade of beige would easily go with both black and brown.

  18. awesome! the bummer is that #1 was instantly my favorite of the whole bunch, until i read that it's also the most expensive! hahaha :) Also, not to make your decision any more difficult... I have these Michael Kors wedges and i LOVE LOVE them.. just a thought : http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/ProductDetail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524446456019&afsrc=1&site_refer=GGLPRADS001&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=0885006258279&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw={keyword}

  19. I'd pick #2!! Love the color and simplicity of it.

  20. Voting for #6. I'm a J. Crew girl at heart and those wedges can be dressed up or dressed down. Plus they look comfortable.

  21. Hellooo #6! Haha! Love you "wwwyc." :) Wow, Day 108! You go!!!

  22. I love #4, #5 and #7, but I'm pretty sure you would look great in every single pair!


  23. 6 is my favorite but also really like 7 and 10!! Good luck choosing and great job on 108 days without spending!

  24. 7, hands down! But you know they're really all very cute... I might narrow it down to three and then go try on for comfort :)

  25. #5 and #7 are my definite favorites! :)

  26. NOrmally I would say the higher the better, but I tend to roll my ankle in wedges. I like 1 & 7!! xo Elizabeth

  27. If only one pair is in the budget, I would say go for number 7. It is the most versatile to me. You can wear with denim, black, brown, etc. Could be dressed up or dressed down. Can't wait to hear which pair you pick! Stacie xo

  28. I picked up a pair of DV for Target wedges last spring–they were easily my favorite summer purchase! That said, I'm still pretty in love with #6!

  29. My vote is for number 7. Can't wait to see which ones you pick.
    Best, M.

  30. number 5! the higher the better i say xxx

  31. Go figure my first instinct was for 4, but judging with price included, I'd say 7 or 9!

  32. #5 for sure!!!! ps. you should have mail this week :)

  33. I like Number 6!! :D

    <3 Amanda,

  34. I looooove number 5 (can't go wrong with MK!)... but I love 9 as well! A pair of neutral wedges is definitely a worthwhile investment :)

  35. It's going to be hard to choose. I totally want a pair myself. My favorites are 5 and 6.

  36. I have the Clarks. The #8 wedge....and I loooove them! Very comfortable and so cute!

  37. Ooh love the neutrals! #4 & #7 are my faves :)

    Laura xo

  38. I saw 4 or 7!! Good luck and can't wait to see what you pick!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I recently got these for my honeymoon and have no regrets! Good luck!


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  42. This is extremely difficult to choose, so I can see why you enlisted some helpers :) I think I would go with 7 or 8 though! I love both of them!
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