Happy Wednesday, lovelies! Today, I have another sweet installment for you in the {distance makes the heart grow fonder} series. This story features a pair of high school sweethearts, Aaron and Becca {from A Blonde's Logic}, and proves that college doesn't have to be a hurdle in a relationship when you make time for the one you love. Becca and Aaron are finally "home free"--in other words, done with long distance--and I couldn't be happier for them. Read on to find out more...
Name: Becca
Significant Other's Name: Aaron
When did you start dating? We started dating September 30th, 2005. He asked me to go to homecoming with him!
At what point did you begin dating long distance? We had to start dating long distance in September 2006. I started college about 4 hours away, a distance which continued to separate us for the four years I was away at school. Because we had a year together before the long distance started, we were able to form a strong bond first and saw what our relationship was worth
How did you fill your days while you're apart? Luckily, we both had school which helped keep us busy!
What did you find most difficult about being long distance? Not seeing each other everyday was obviously pretty hard but weekends were the most difficult. It was hard to not be apart of whatever fun the other was having. And Skype wasn't around for most of the long distance so we didn't have that luxury either. The transition to long distance was a big challenge, going from seeing each other every day to maybe every 3 weeks was very hard.
How has long distance changed your relationship? It really has made us stronger as a couple and more secure in our relationship. We learned how to survive not being with each other all the time which helped us not take for granted our time together.
What do you enjoy most about the time you have together? When we are together, we appreciate the simple things like laughter and holding one another's hands. It seems cheesy, but it is just so comforting to be next to each other.
What sacrifices did you made in order to make things work? When we were long distance, we each had to make a lot of sacrifices. We got in the routine of talking each night, which helped us stay up-to-date on each other's lives. I also helped us feel less like we weren't missing out on things. The phone time was our time together! Sometimes, it meant not getting enough sleep, but it was worth it. I would have easily traded an hour of sleep for an hour of talking with him ANY day! We also traded off visiting each other, which helped keep things equal.
How has your life changed now that you're back in the same place? It has been so nice being together in the same town for the past year!! I actually feel like I'm getting pretty spoiled. If I don't see him for two days, I can get bummed, but I have to remind myself that two days is nothing compared to what we have already survived.
I think
Becca hit the nail on the head in her last answer: their years apart are an incredible frame of reference in the grand scheme of their current life together. Many thanks to
Becca {and Aaron} for sharing their story...be sure to wish her the best on her blog too ;) I hope you have a great Wednesday...and I'll see you back here tomorrow!
psst: if you live in NYC, Indianapolis, Louisville, DC, or Nashville and
didn't see my post yesterday:
check it out here! You'll want the deets! And for those of you already registered: I am counting down the days!