dream big.

With Friday on the horizon, I get excited...it means Friday's Fancies posts are right around the corner! I've come to really love Fridays. When I created the Friday's Fancies concept last November, I did so because I knew I needed to rein in my spending. I love to shop---almost as much as I love 
J.Crew or JIF peanut butter {which is a LOT}. 

My solution? Create outfits which satisfy my shopping needs without spending a penny! I think about what activities my Friday night will hold and then envision what I'd wear if money were no object. Sometimes I even dream up my activity--or create outfits for later in the weekend. 
It's all good...I'm dreaming here, remember?

Here's my little advice for those of you hoping to do Friday's Fancies posts in the future...

Over the past ten weeks, more than 200 other Friday's Fancies posts have been linked to {long distance loving}! I'm always so honored to see the time and effort bloggers put into their posts. The best part of Friday for me? Getting to take a step back...and watch others dream big :)

Though I use Adode Illustrator, most of the Friday's Fancies faithful utilize the fabulous fashion time void known as Polyvore. You don't have to use any design programs though...using pictures works perfectly too. Maybe what you're fancying this Friday isn't in the form of clothing--that's fine too. Your only requirement is to share your dreams!

Are you a Friday's Fancies faithful? Do you have any tips for newbies?

Need help navigating Polyvore? Check out this videoHave other questions? 
Contact me! I'm happy to help :)

Check back here tomorrow to see what masterpieces your fellow bloggers created this week :) 
I'd love to see your dreams in the gallery! xoxo {av}


One year ago today, the state of Rhode Island witnessed its worst flood in more than two hundred years...and {cv} and I had a front row seat. The Woonasquatucket River {say that three times fast!} overflowed its banks--into the first floor of our apartment building. Thankfully, we live a few floors up, but it didn't stop the devastation elsewhere in our neighborhood. We lost power for two full days--and came to realllllllly appreciate things like charging cellphones and taking a warm shower. 

The craziest part of this debacle? Our wedding was only ten days away! Even with our sixteen month engagement, there were last minute things to be done...thankfully, I had lots of love and support outside of waterlogged Rhode Island. I'm just thankful we hadn't planned a wedding in a cool loft space in Providence for that same timeframe, because goodness knows, things would have been dicey. 

Have you ever been without power for a few days?
Or did you have any crises leading up to your wedding or another big occasion?

I'm sure these pictures won't really make you want to book your next trip to the Ocean State, but maybe my guest post on Southern Sophisticate might ;) I chose a few of my favorite nautical gift ideas for the sailor in your life!

Though the flood isn't necessarily one of my favorite memories, {cv} and I still joke about our primitive life in those two power-less days ;) I have to admit that I'm very happy to see the sun shining today, especially in light of this anniversary and last week's events! 

Hope you have a sunny Wednesday! xoxo {av}

a tool for survival.

{left columntop middle bottom ~ right columntop middle middle bottom}
Today, you can find me guest posting at KT's Refinishing School! As a fellow long distance survivor, she suggested I talk about how {cv} and I survived our years apart. When I thought a little bit more about it, a lightbulb went off in my head. In the 21st century, I would also argue that the phone has become the most important accessory in a long distance relationship.

It's sad but true. A few pieces of plastic {and metal?} are what connect us to our love on the days we're apart. When {cv} and I were long distance, there were few times when the phone wasn't somehow attached to my body. {I promise I didn't wear a hip holster though--I am aware it's a fashion don't!} 

I'd love to get your take: 
Do you think the phone is a survival tool in a long distance relationship?
Or is the phone becoming extinct because of new technology like skype?

For more on what I deemed the most important long distance accessory, 
hop on over to KT's Refinishing School :)

And before I go, {cv} and I were absolutely overwhelmed with your love and prayers yesterday. I'm absolutely positive they helped: though Gus isn't "back to normal," he's certainly acting a little less confused. No word from the vet yet, but I'll be sure to keep you posted. And give your animals 
another extra squeeze for Lucy today :) Much love, {av}

P.S. Taking a blogging break? Going on vacation? I'd be happy to help fill in! Email me!

our little lucy.

On Friday morning, {cv} and I woke up like normal to Lucy jumping on the bed. She heard his alarm and knew it was her time to cuddle before he jumped in the shower for work. Lucy made one pass over the top of both of us and was going back for more. She walked on {cv}'s chest then onto mine. Lucy then turned and walked toward my legs. She took a little nosedive, which we thought was normal...she loved for us to rub her belly. Only this time, it wasn't normal. She made a few quick noises and then I went to razz her...and realized something wasn't right. I looked at {cv} and said: "I think she's gone." 

We couldn't process it right then, because in the flurry of the next ten minutes...we put Gus in a crate and put Lucy in another and were out the door to the vet. Sadly, We knew she was gone before we left the apartment. Some part of us just hoped Lucy was playing some cruel game. Except she wasn't. The vet confirmed what we already knew. She also checked out Gus, just to make sure he was ok. The vet assured us we'd done nothing wrong. Lucy had been absolutely normal the day before...she was eating, drinking, and using the bathroom. She was affectionate at the usual times. Nothing out of the ordinary. In the ten years our vet has been practicing, she's only seen about ten cases of sudden death--our Lucy being one of them. We've decided to have an necropsy {i.e. an animal autopsy}, just to rule out any issues around the apartment which might affect our Gus. In reality, we're pretty certain though that it was her big heart that took her.

It's the little things that we don't want to forget, which is why I'm writing this post. Lucy always greeted me at the door when I would get home from work, so I know today will be difficult. She always rolled over for me to rub her belly and did a biggggggg stretch. Showering has been hard because Lucy always loved to jump in the wet tub. Doing my hair has been rough because Lucy buried her nose in my wet towel on a daily basis.

Lucy had quite the attachment to {cv} though--and it's been hard to think about her absence. Lucy loved smelling his shoes when he got home after a long day. She'd leave him little presents in the form of bobby pins in his loafers, which he'd find on business trips. {Have you figured out she was a quirky cat yet?} They were cuddle buddies--and she made me jealous on more than one occasion ;)

We had a nice dinner out on Saturday and I kept the cork from our wine. Normally, Lucy would find it in my purse around 3:00am, when we were trying to sleep...and play to her little heart's content. This morning, it's still in my purse. 

Gus hasn't been the same without his partner in crime. Gus and Lucy came home from the shelter the same week. Though they weren't siblings, they were almost inseparable. {cv} and I got used to having them around--together. We're trying to read him to figure out whether he needs another buddy. He's been looking in every corner this weekend--and any noise perks his ears as if she was suddenly going to bound around the corner.

So, this morning...as we wait for the results on what took Lucy from us all too soon, I'll never forget her peaceful little face looking out our windows. Few people have to experience watching something like we did on Friday morning...and I don't think the memory of that minute will soon fade. Lucy was like our child. Anyone who says pets aren't like family is certainly wrong. I'm trying to smile knowing Lucy is now enjoying a wonderful life outside the window up in kitty heaven. 

So, today, give your pets an extra squeeze and please say a little prayer for strength
for {cv}, Gus, and me...xoxo {av}

P.S. Thank you to those of you who saw my tweets and sent along your love...it meant the world to us.

friday's fancies #17.

Happy Friday, folks! Seeing a dusting of snow on the ground yesterday was enough to have me dreaming of warmer weather! I'm also wishing I was in DC celebrating my bff {kj}'s birthday...so I created this "birthday party chic" with her in mind! It also features my favorite color--cobalt blue--which is surprisingly making its first Friday's Fancies appearance...I'm sure you'll be seeing much more of it in the future ;)

{all images are screenshots from the corresponding links below}
1) It was love at first sight with this Diane von Furstenberg Handy Dress. I loved the ease and the comfort this dress exuded, without feeling casual. And let's not forget, I have had a long love affair with that cobalt blue. 
2) This Philippe Audibert Chaine Gold-Plated Multi-Strand Necklace created a lot of texture and wasn't so bold as to distract from the gorgeous print in the dress. Though I was tempted to choose a bib necklace, I'm glad I went with my gut here.
3) {kj} always rocks the best rings. Since I'm celebrating her today, I knew I had to pick a fun cocktail ring--and this Yves Saint Laurent Arty Dots Ring was the perfect match!
4) With the splashes of blue throughout this outfit, I wanted the shoes to be understated but fun. These Tory Burch Elizabella Strappy Sandals fit that bill :)
5) In another attempt to capture {kj}'s style, I chose this Miu Miu Patchwork Leather Hobo Bag because it has that put-together but bohemian kind of feel. And I'm really digging the hidden chevrons!

You be the judge: yay or nay to this outfit? 

Want to see another Friday's Fancies post from me? Check out my post appearing on GalTime today! 
A big thank you to my old roommate and friend {mr} for giving me such a fun opportunity :) 

{If you're a DC girl, make sure to check out her blog to get the skinny on great local events and fab fashion too!}

The idea behind Friday's Fancies is simple: create your dream outfit without looking at the pricetag 
for whatever activity your Friday will hold. Many of the Friday's Fancies faithful use Polyvore to create 
their looks--a super easy website which is also pretty addicting. {Not sure how to use their website? 
Check out this video to learn more!} I use Adobe Illustrator these days, but my early Friday's Fancies 
 were pulled together on Picasa. And if you aren't graphically inclined, no sweat! 
Feel free to create your look just using pictures!

{Life would be a lot better if I could celebrate every birthday with you! Love always, my dear! Can't wait for 4.29!}

Have a great Friday everyone--and a BIG thank you to those of you who are taking 
the time to link up this week! xoxo {av}

an {old} guilty pleasure.

I've made passing mentions of this
embarrassing fact in previous posts,
but I'm coming clean today...

See the plentitude of Gossip Girl novels amidst
the Hemingway? Yes, it's true. I may or may
not be a secret fan of Cecily Von Ziegesar's
fictitious accounts of a few NYC socialites...

Beginning the summer before college,
Gossip Girl novels served as my guilty pleasure reading. To date myself, this means that
I've slipped into the crazy world of the
Upper East Side for almost eight years now.
{That number is positively frightening. I'm still getting over it. Anywho!}

I read the GG novels in college to distract me from tomes like Moby Dick and Theodore Rex.
They took me only a few hours to read--and they were a few hours I joyfully sacrificed from
pouring over real literature. When they announced the Gossip Girl novels would inspire a TV
series debuting the fall after I graduated, I was {secretly} elated.

{top row: left - right ~ middle row: left - right ~ bottom row: left - right}
Though the TV show differs a great deal from the "extensive" plot line of the books, it's always surprising {and often humorous} to see what turns the TV show takes. All these things aside, I've come to appreciate the immaculate New York fashion and the perfectly coifed hair. I also have become a HUGE fan of the episode recaps on the New York Magazine website. I feel a little less juvenile for being a fan of the show after reading about the satirical scores they assign following each episode.

I'll admit: the plotline is certainly taking a turn for the weird right now {Dan + Blair? WHAT?! And will Lily ever quit lying?!}, but honestly, each episode provides a {mildly} entertaining 40 minutes of television, even if you only watch it for the fashion! And I promise I do read more critically acclaimed and thought-provoking books! It just feels better to come clean with all of you ;)

This begs the question: do you have any guilty pleasure reads? {I sure hope I'm not alone here!}

In less than 24 hours, the calendar will once again read Friday and most of you know what that means...Friday's Fancies!

Each week, bloggers dream up the outfit they'd wear for their Friday night festivities if money were no object. {Want to see a few examples of past posts? Click here!} It's a fabulous way to keep your wallet in check and still get to admire the "finer things" in life ;) I hope you'll join in with the Friday's Fancies faithful and link up!

I'm crossing fingers this guilty pleasure post won't cost me any readers ;) I just hope I'll find someone else out in the blogosphere with other funny reading habits! Until tomorrow, my dears!
xoxo {av}

paper {anniversary}.

{love struck calendar - days of the week calendar - blurb

Though I really can't believe it, we are roughly three weeks from our first wedding anniversary!
{cv} and I discussed that our first anniversary is also our "paper" anniversary, if you go by the traditional standards. I was bummed to discover that the sapphire anniversary wasn't until the 45th or the emerald anniversary until the 55th! Maybe we could break the rules a little bit down the line...God-willing, we'll both live to see 2055 and 2065, but there are no guarantees--right? ;)

Making the choice on what to get {cv} is proving to be quite difficult and I wanted to enlist your help!

Should I create a photo calendar with photos from our first year of marriage? 
Or should I do the same with a photo book? 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts! I loved all your input yesterday on IKEA! Just so you know: your comments make me smile all. day. long. Have a wonderful Wednesday! xoxo {av}

If this post has you itching to make a calendar of your own, don't sweat--you can!
New Photo Calendars from Minted

psst...are you new to {long distance loving}?
See our wedding in Martha Stewart and Southern Living!

swedish wonderland.

Last week, I made an impromptu trip to IKEA. I imagine most of you have heard of {or visited} an IKEA store in your lifetime, but the experience always amazes me...even if it overwhelms me a bit too. 
Seeing as it was a spur-of-the-moment trip, all I was armed with was my iPhone camera, so bear with these photos...

I liken the entrance of IKEA to the gateway to another world...it just feels like you're taking the escalator to somewhere new and exciting!

From here until later in the post, you'll see examples of where I think IKEA has really stepped up its game. Though {cv} and I are years from owning a home {or even having to think about designing a kitchen}, I'm always impressed with just how easy they make the process. I hadn't visited a store since March of last year--and let's just say that it looked much less like IKEA and much more normal. Ok, that's not a great description...but take my word for it: there is still a good dose of modern at IKEA, but they're definitely creating a better balance between the modern and traditional...
and are likely winning a lot more fans because of it.

Love the bench with the table...

Bold blue walls + white couches = lovely {in my book!}

This sofa table was the perfect height and it seemed to be an easy color to paint over if the color didn't suit your fancy.

I've put these in my shopping bag numerous times while at IKEA, but this time, I left with them. It may be curtain wire, but as they've shown here, it's an easy way to display photos! 

Walls of sofas always crack me up.

As do walls of tables...and really a table for only $9.99? 
Why didn't I let my college roomie {si} drag me here in college?!

After my post on bookends last week, I thought it was only appropriate to capture this set!

I was dying to see the yellow end table which had been all over blogs this winter...
only to discover its now discontinued. SAD FACE.

$15 easels!? What a cute and cost-effective addition to any wedding! 
Sure, I want an antique one, but this would hold me over until I find the perfect one...

Floating shelves are my favorite. Too bad I'm too frightened to have {cv} install them for fear our cats would bring them down with one leap...in the dead of night...while we're sleeping...
and scare the living bejeezus out of me!

Hello cute craft room. I'm {av}.

Though this color of wood isn't my favorite, I couldn't help but show the closet heaven...

After a good hour roaming the showroom floor, I made the walk downstairs to where you can find what you've spotted throughout the maze of this Swedish wonderland. I could've taken a bazillion photos in the marketplace, but I needed my hands free for shopping!

phewww. After making it through the marketplace, I emerged into their giant warehouse. 
Thankfully I didn't need anything in these crazy aisles last week...

After a long day's work {ok, more like a late afternoon of shopping}, I treated myself to a cinnamon roll which cost me only $1, though I'm sure it cost me a lot more in calories ;)

On the exit, your trip ends with a ride on a shopping cart escalator--which will always amaze me.

What's your opinion of IKEA? Love it or hate it?

I hope I haven't bored you to bits. Thanks for getting to this point in the post ;) 
Crossing fingers this little jaunt to the Swedish wonderland, otherwise known as IKEA,
brought a little excitement to your Tuesday!
More tomorrow! xoxo {av}

for future {v}s.

{all images are screenshots from J.Crew}
For a definite dose of cuteness this Monday, meet the spring line for Crewcuts from J.Crew.
Don't be fooled: {cv} and I are years from babies {though I will admit to getting the baby bug sometimes!} It doesn't prevent me from admiring the adorable outfits portrayed on the Crewcuts website. They look like mini-adults, which bothers me from time to time, but on the whole, I think their look is pretty daggone adorable.  You better believe we'll have some preppy babies one day!

I also thought this was an entirely appropriate post in light of the surprise I got in my inbox last night. That surprise was in the form of a little shoutout from everyone's favorite College Prepster in this week's edition of Prep Talk. I included her little blurb on my little ol' blog below!

Maybe it’s because she’s an alumni of Georgetown… but I just cannot get enough of Long Distance Loving.

I love the graphics, I love the story, I love the blog.  The Friday Fancies posts are just too much fun.  And everyone can link up and join in the fun!  Check out AV’s most recent Friday Fancies:
I promise, non-Hoyas will also love her blog, so be sure to check it out!

An enormous thank you to my favorite fellow Hoya blogger  for this fabulous surprise! If you don't subscribe to this weekly dose of prep--you need to NOW. Click here to get in on the fun!
Have a very happy Monday, everyone! xoxo {av}

weekend of celebration.

No, it isn't his birthday--but {cv} took an important test yesterday and reached his goal! 
{A big thank you to all of you who sent prayers via twitter!} This may help to explain the radio silence on my end, for which I apologize. We've been having too much fun celebrating this weekend. 
I hope you'll forgive me. 

Gus celebrated with us!

After all that celebration, I crashed hard last night--not because of alcohol but because of exhaustion.  I wasn't even the one who took a four hour test! Talk about embarrassing. {cv} took photo evidence. I didn't know about these photos until this morning. Good times.

In any case, we're jumping on a train to Boston to catch the St. Patrick's Day parade in Southie, which I hear is quite the experience. I promise a return to normal posting tomorrow!

Until then, enjoy your Sunday! I know {cv} and I will be :)
xoxo {av}

friday's fancies #16.

Considering I woke up on Tuesday thinking it was Thursday, you might guess that I'm overjoyed it's Friday ;) With fun plans to head to a housewarming party tonight, I pulled together this chic but not too formal get-up...with a touch of Georgetown pride for our game tonight! {You all learned of my love of March Madness earlier this week, so this inspiration shouldn't be too surprising!}

{all images are screenshots from the corresponding links below}
1) I am a long-time fan of Shoshanna. Simply put, they make strapless dresses that stay put. Catch my drift? This ikat Ruched Strapless Mini Dress caught my eye--not only for its gorgeous print but also its fab navy and white contrast.
2) With the loud buttons on the cardigan I chose, these Ippolita Bastille Earrings are bold and gorgeous, but they don't distract from the details and fun happening below my neck ;)
3) When going to a housewarming, you can never go empty-handed. I thought The Savoy Cocktail Book was a perfect gift for the hostess with the mostest!
4) My love for Tory Burch is evident in many previous editions of Friday's Fancies. Her Simone Cardigan is a staple in her collection--and though I love the brilliant hues she's produced in the past, this grey works as the perfect compliment to my blue+gray ensemble.
5) Didn't you know foam fingers were all the fashion rage? Just kidding, just kidding. I have to sport my Georgetown pride somewhere in this outfit! Fun fact: they made an appearance at our wedding. {Yes, it's true. Click here for proof!}
6) Ok, I know most of you are thinking: where are the heels, lady? I understand, I do...but if I'm going to be on my feet all night, 9 out of 10 times, I'll choose flats. Being uncomfortable just isn't my thing. These J.Crew Cece Cracked Metallic Ballet Flats polished off this outfit pretty perfectly in my book!

Am I doing my Hoyas proud with this outfit? 
Do you ever opt for flats when you know you'll be on your feet all night?


And before I go--I have an extra special treat for you this Friday!
You can see more Friday's Fancies from yours truly on two of my absolute favorite blogs today! 
Jillian from cornflake dreams and Deanna from Mellow Fever asked me to fill in for them while they're on vacay this week! I am so honored to guest post for them :)

The idea behind Friday's Fancies is simple: create your dream outfit without looking at the pricetag for whatever activity your Friday will hold. {Truth be told, you could also dream up that activity too!} Many of the Friday's Fancies faithful use Polyvore to create their looks--a super easy website which is also pretty addicting. {Not sure how to use their website? Check out this video to learn more!} I use Adobe Illustrator these days, but my early outfits were pulled together on Picasa. And if you aren't graphically inclined, no sweat! Feel free to create your look just using pictures!

As always, I can't wait to see what you create--thanks again for taking the time to pull together these dreamy outfits! They definitely make my Friday {and hopefully yours too!} much more fun! Much love to Japan today...though I'm not participating in the day of silence,
it doesn't mean their country isn't on my mind!
xoxo, {av}

shades of green.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 }
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
With a touch of Irish in my DNA, I'm proud to celebrate this festive day!
I made {cv} kiss me this morning too ;) 

In any case, I thought this inspiration board would be a fun post for your St. Patty's Day reads!

What do you think of this color scheme for a big day?

I'm sure it hasn't escaped you that tomorrow is Friday! Get excited for another round of Friday's Fancies, starting at midnight...I hope you'll join me in the fun of creating your dream outfit and not looking at the pricetag ;) 

Enjoy the day, whether you're Irish or not! 
xoxo {av}

hoosier born.

The photos above are a collection from my Georgetown years and beyond. The top left photo shows me with the banner
my dad {in yellow} made for our house senior year. The picture of a TV captures Patrick Ewing, Jr.
on the night 
we beat UNC to advance to the Final Four in 2007.

I grew up in the land of basketball, otherwise known as the state of Indiana. The movie Hoosiers was released the year after I was born. Milan {pronounced My-lin}, Indiana {the town depicted in the film} is just an hour from my hometown.

In Indiana, you were either a Hoosier--or a Boilermaker. {Ok, you could be a Bulldog, Sycamore, or Cardinal too...but that's besides the point.} I grew up in a Hoosier household, as the daughter of two Indiana grads. {My mom was even a student when IU had its perfect season back in 1976!} Suffice it to say, we watched a good deal of college basketball in our home and I have fond memories of my dad sporting a sweet red IU sweater while watching games on TV.

Fast forward to the early 2000s: I'm thinking through my college options...and one of the strange things {outside of academics!} that I hoped to find in my future alma mater was a strong basketball program. When I was accepted at Georgetown, I felt like I'd struck basketball gold. I held season tickets for my four years as a student--and for two years after I finished school. {I would certainly still have them if we lived in DC!} I've loved of Georgetown basketball for almost eight years now...
yowza. I feel old.

When March madness rolls around, it inevitably invokes a sense of nostalgia for my senior year of college. Georgetown advanced to the Final Four--and though we didn't win that year, I'll never forget the Hoya hoopla. I can always say with pride that I graduated the year we went to the Final Four.
I'm so glad {cv} is a Hoya too so we can share in the hysteria :)

Do you get into March Madness? If so, who are you rooting for this year?

Whether you love or hate college basketball, there's something about this time of year which makes it exciting for everyone! Best of luck to all of your teams--and you better believe I'll be tuning in on Friday night when Georgetown plays the winner of USC/VCU. 
I hope the sun is shining where you are today! xoxo {av}

on the fence.

{all images are screenshots from the corresponding links below}
1 - Pottery Barn Bird Nest Bookend  2 - stevenrolfkroeger Crank Bookends
3 - Restoration Hardware Vise Bookends  4 - CB2 cube bookends  5 - IKEA Skribent bookend  
6 - Fringe Designs White Owl Resin Bookends  7 - Art Ori Falling Bookends  

In the age of the eReader, I find myself wondering whether kids will even know the word "bookend" in 25 years.  You won't find any Kindles or Nooks in our apartment though...we're hooked on books. {I've posted in the past about my love of perfectly messy bookshelves. Clearly, I'm book-obsessed.} 

Anyway, I've been in a design quandary for quite some time now. I find myself being pulled
between the more traditional elements--and the more modern.
Can one ever find a balance between the two? 

Where do you fall? Do you like traditional design or do you favor modern design?

I'd adore your input! I find myself torn between vintage-y elements and clean-cut lines...
Hope you have a happy Tuesday--I can't wait to hear what you think!
xoxo {av}

P.S. Today, I'm thinking about 3.15.2003...
#2: you're still in our hearts--and always will be.

dream closet #1.

{left to right: top row - 1 2 3  ~  middle row - 1 2 3  ~  bottom row 1 2 3}
My first encounter with Milly took place in April 2005. I had just started my tenure at a high-end retailer in Georgetown. We didn't carry the line, but I was told to scout out another high-end boutique in the neighborhood. I became a very touchy-feely shopper after working at Intermix. I started to understand the difference between cheap and quality fabrics--and I really started to determine what my own style esthetic would be. 

When I saw that first Milly dress in the window at Wink, a lightbulb turned on in my noggin. It epitomized the vision I had for myself: preppy, put-together, and polished. {phew--say those three p's fast!} From that day forward, Milly has always been one of my go-to designers. I may not always be able to purchase it, but I can at least admire the impeccable style and stellar workmanship. To make this story come full circle, I ended up working weekends at Wink for 2+ years after college until we moved to RI. I am one of those people who loves working retail--and now miss it dearly!

{via rent the runway}
Fun side note: One of my style icons {if you can even call her that since she is a fictional character on a TV show} is Blair Waldorf, who often sports Milly on Gossip Girl.
No wonder I like her!

The good news for me? I can rent a plethora of Milly dresses on Rent the Runway, thus affording me the opportunity to wear a few pieces from my dream closet and not totally break the bank. I may or may not have already rented two Milly dresses to date--one of which appears in my profile blurb to the right! See that gold stunner? Yeah, it's the Like Honey dress :)

Until {cv} and I make it big, I'll just make the most of my Milly madness and include many of their pieces in my Friday's Fancies. The pieces I do own {and the ones I allow myself to buy!} will be pieces I see in my wardrobe for years to come. With Milly, that isn't a hard requirement to fulfill.

What designers do you wish could fill your closet? 
Until tomorrow, xoxo {av}